End of Life Care (Palliative Care)
A the residence for the elderly CHSLD Villa Belle Rive, we pride ourselves on the comfort and security of our senior residents. We recognize that each resident is loved and adored by an intricate network of family and friends, and we concentrate our efforts on ensuring an accommodating experience, particularly with regards to palliative care and end-of-life care.
The CHSLD Villa Belle Rive offers various palliative care and end-of-life services that soothe the pain and suffering of our residents. In addition to physical and psychological services, Villa Belle Rive provides assistance with symptoms such as respiratory issues, agitation, and fever.

Moreover, Villa Belle Rive offers elderly care services such as:
- Oral care
- Personal hygiene care
- Positioning
- Subcutaneous medication
- Attentive care
- Support of choices, values, and beliefs
- Psychological and spiritual support
Our palliative, end-of-life care services are second to none, and are meant to provide assurance that our residents feel safe, respected, and understood.